Insulating Unfinished Attics: Rigid Foam Board and Spray Foam Insulation

Insulate your unfinished attic in Davie FL with rigid foam board & spray foam insulation for reduced energy bills & healthier living environment. Learn more.

Insulating Unfinished Attics: Rigid Foam Board and Spray Foam Insulation

Insulating your unfinished attic space in Davie, FL is a great way to reduce energy bills and create a healthier living environment. Rigid foam board and spray foam insulation are two popular options for insulating attics, each with their own advantages. Rigid foam board is lightweight, easy to handle, and offers high R-values. It is often the preferred option over fiberglass insulation, which has a lower R-value and requires adaptation of the beams.

Spray foam insulation is also a popular choice due to its higher insulating value, which prevents air and moisture from passing through. Adding spray foam insulation to the roof covering turns the attic into a semi-conditioned space, protecting air conditioning systems during temperature fluctuations. This is achieved by using what is called “air-tight” insulation, such as rigid foam board or spray foam. In summer, roof insulation is more important than wall and floor insulation to ensure summer comfort and air conditioning costs.

Air-permeable insulation (such as blocks or loose filling) can be used in combination with air-impervious insulation (such as rigid foam board or spray foam) to increase the overall value of the insulation. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that insulating your attic could save you an average of 15% of your home's cooling and heating costs. Insulating cathedral ceilings is more expensive than insulating attics, so if you're installing insulation above the roof, make sure to remove any existing shingles or shingles and replace the weatherproof barrier if necessary. Installing new insulation or replacing the old one can reduce expenses and contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

If you can access your attic easily, insulating it with foam sheets is an excellent way to convert it into additional living space or to reduce energy costs.

Lynnette Holsinger
Lynnette Holsinger

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