Save Money on Attic Insulation Installation in Davie, FL

Homeowners can save money on their heating bills by installing new or replacing old attic insulation. Learn how proper attic insulation can pay for itself when it comes time to sell your home.

Save Money on Attic Insulation Installation in Davie, FL

Homeowners are always looking for ways to save money on their heating bills. Installing new insulation or replacing old insulation can reduce expenses and contribute to a healthier lifestyle. Before committing to adding insulation, it's important to have your attic inspected by a trusted contractor. Even if the current insulation is adequate, air leaks in the attic hatch, around pipe vents, or in the cavities in the posts can filter air to the rest of the house.

When the attic is properly insulated, heating and cooling systems don't have to work as hard to keep the house at a constant temperature. You might even notice that you don't have to adjust the thermostat all the time to stay comfortable. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), homeowners can save an average of 15% on heating and cooling costs with a properly insulated and sealed attic. Insulating your attic doesn't just save you money on your energy bills - it's one of the few home improvement projects that can truly pay for itself when it comes time to sell your home.

Remodeling magazine's cost-value analysis shows that homeowners can recover more than 100% of the cost of the project by sealing the air and adding insulation to the value of their home. According to Energy Star, a program managed by the EPA, nine out of ten homes in the United States are insufficiently insulated. If you haven't had your insulation inspected in a while, it's time to schedule a consultation with home remodeling experts. They'll thoroughly inspect your attic and insulation to find the best solution for your specific home.

For example, if you have blown insulation, your contractor can simply add more insulation on top instead of removing the old insulation and replacing it completely. This type of insulation creates a balanced thermal blanket and, in some cases, is used as a second layer of protection over existing insulation. Blow insulation is an ideal solution for insulating a loft-like open space. Block insulation consists of rolls that can be divided into portions to fit.

Many homeowners assume that installing new insulation in the attic is like replacing the roof, removing all the old materials and installing new ones. To get started, you'll want a professional specializing in home evaluation to tell you the current R-value of your attic insulation. Also, if your home is more than 10 years old, you'll likely need deeper insulation in the attic of your Fort Lauderdale home. When you're ready to install new insulation or replace your existing one in Davie, Florida, give American Insulation Co.

Having the right amount of insulation in your attic can make your Fort Lauderdale home cozier during all seasons.

Lynnette Holsinger
Lynnette Holsinger

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