Insulating Your Home in Davie, FL: A Comprehensive Guide to R-Values

Insulating your home in Davie FL is an important step to ensure comfortable living and energy efficiency. Learn about R-values and different types of insulation.

Insulating Your Home in Davie, FL: A Comprehensive Guide to R-Values

Insulating your home in Davie, FL is an important step to ensure comfortable living and energy efficiency. The Florida Building Code identifies two distinct “climate zones” and the level of insulation is specified by an R-value. This resistance, or R-value, measures the performance of the insulation over time by measuring the resistance to heat flowing through it. The higher the R-value, the better the thermal performance of the insulation.

The table below shows what levels of insulation are cost-effective for different climates and home locations. The price of your foam insulation project will vary depending on the type of insulation (open or closed cell) and the number of inches installed. In two-story houses, floor beams are not always sealed from adjacent attic spaces rather than single-story spaces and attic air is right next to the roof. If you're building a new home, you can consider installing insulation at the bottom of the roof covering and sealing the attic space, creating an “unventilated attic.”Attic insulation is critical because more heat passes per square foot through the roof than in any other structure in a home.

For example, traditional insulators lose part of their insulating capacity in strong winds, so it is important to consider hermetic seals when using this type of insulation. You can measure the thickness of the attic insulation with a ruler and multiply the number of inches by the R-value of that particular insulation to get an insulation rating.

Factors to Consider When Insulating Your Home

As each type of insulation responds to weather and building conditions differently, if your goal is comfortable housing, you must consider other aspects besides the mandatory insulation requirements. Make sure that the roof or walls can support the additional weight derived from the additional insulation before installation. In addition, for businesses and consumers who are concerned about misleading advertising, improper installation, and other issues related to insulation, there is a Federal Trade Commission standard designed to protect them (Title 16, Business Practices, Part 460, Labeling and Advertising of Home Insulation).In addition, the overall R-value of a wall or roof will be somewhat different from the R-value of the insulation itself, since some of the heat flows around the insulation through the posts and beams in wooden or steel frame structures (thermal bridges).

If you're not sure what type of insulation already exists in your home, take a sample to an insulation expert.

Types of Insulation

Fiberglass blocks are one of the most affordable means of insulating your home, especially in the attic area. Other types include cellulose fiber (made from recycled paper), mineral wool (made from rock or slag), polyurethane foam (made from petroleum products), and polystyrene foam (made from plastic). Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on your needs. For more information on insulating materials, if applicable, the installation method and the advantages, see Types of insulation.

Lynnette Holsinger
Lynnette Holsinger

Subtly charming music junkie. Hipster-friendly web practitioner. Passionate coffee guru. Friendly coffee ninja. Certified web trailblazer. Wannabe pop culture junkie.